The BS Confident Women Never Tolerate From Men

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Putting up with a lot of bullshit lately? I’m not the least bit surprised. To quite a few girls out there, putting up with bullshit seems to come standard with the territory and yes, the entire package- the one they should probably get busy wrapping up and throwing back out to the wolves.

Women put up with being put second, and being put last. They put up with being disrespected, being used, and being chopped down to nothing, bit by painful bit.

Luckily I don’t have that problem. No confident woman does.

It’s no picnic, being treated like shit. It wears down the very fabric of who we should be in order to protect our own interests and it demoralizes us to the brink of doing some irreversible damage, when we should just have the fucking nads to move on and go without.

I always go without and never look back- I look ahead towards a future that rightly belongs to me- this is where “my way or the highway” comes into play.

If putting up with bullshit means toleration, I’m as intolerant as they come.

It may be shocking to you to hear me say that our relationships should not and do not have to be this way- being in state of perpetual misery, sadness and hurt is not what life is about. Never has been and never will be.

Thus, I’m going to have to call bullshit on having to put up with bullshit because any woman in her right mind wouldn’t put up with even 1/24 of the bullshit the average woman does. Why? Because a confident woman knows exactly what constitutes bullshit, knows what to do about it and isn’t afraid to go on living knowing that life is worth a lot more than what people try their damnedest to cheat us out of.

A confident woman knows when it doesn’t feel right- and she is never intent on letting it go wrong.

I have a way of handling BS- I have a built-in BS detector I take out from time to time to take a precise measurement of what I’m dealing with and weigh it against the who, the what, and my place in the grand scheme, while I carefully consider all possible outcomes. My BS detector is always revving on standby because I know sooner or later I’m going to have to use it to weed men out who don’t deserve to be in my life.

Wishing, Wanting and Waiting

What does it mean to sit around day after day, wishing, waiting, and wanting?

Wishing he’d treat you better. Wishing he’d make the damn wedding date. Wishing he’d stop telling you that what you want and need is irrelevant and unimportant.

Wanting him to do what you know is right. Wanting him to be a better man. Wanting him to do what he said he would but instead doesn’t because you make it permissible for him not to by being irresponsible and unaccountable to yourself and your needs.

Waiting for things to turn around, for things to materialize- for things to be the way you know they ought to be instead of what you’re “settling” for- where “settling” really means mindlessly and dastardly tolerating and just getting by.

Confident women never wish, want nor wait. Because they know that to do so an illusion. It is living in the dark with a lie that is the fulfillment of someone else’s dream that has absolutely nothing to do with realizing and fulfilling our own.

Because confident women know when it’s time to lay our cards on the table and fold on the losing hand. And we know we’ll be much better off without someone who can only pretend to be what we really need and doesn’t even come close. We demand and deserve better- and our confidence affords us that.

Confidence is your true, reliable friend- not that person who is always trying to undermine it.

Backbiting, Belittling and Berating

It seems assholeism is a rampant disease. It is also a contagious anomaly- the idea that women think a man being an asshole makes him sexy, virile, clever and “manly”. Insecure women who love this shit are ruining it for the rest of us women who know that assholes who treat women like shit do so because they can get away with it.

It’s beyond me how women wet their panties in glee thinking that a guy acting out with insults, psychologically demeaning jokes and pejoratives with enough arrogance for an entire army of Napolean incarnates is as addictive as crack cocaine. Asshole-addicted girls are conditioning men (even the good ones) to think all women love this shit, when real women who are confident and know better themselves see that it’s all a sick childish game.

If you’re allowing a man to treat you like shit because you find assholeism appealing, I guess it’s safe to say you deserve each other. Don’t bother kidding yourself- the asshole thinks you deserve it too. That’s where you differ from the confident woman- she knows she doesn’t deserve it and she is never going to put up with it.

Double Speak and Compromising

He says one thing and does another. And you listen and look the other way? Is that really how you think the dynamics in a relationship ought to work? If so, you’re never going to have a thing work in your favor when it comes to expecting that a man treat you right.

I touched on double speak in “Cardinal Mistakes That Make Women Undateable“. Double speak is double-decker bullshit and most of the time women buy into it because their flailing eggshell egos won’t allow them to absorb the truth and see the situation for what it really is- hallucinations of happily ever after immersed in a pile of hot horseshit.

Compromising comes into play in this instance because women who buy into bullshit are compromising with the bullshitter- and compromising who they are. They’re compromising on their beliefs and needs alas, they are compromising on their ability to garner respect. Compromise yourself even once, even one little bit and he will never treat you the same.

Women double speak compromise when they bite their tongues because they are too afraid to call men out on being jackasses and don’t deal with it accordingly when the behavior doesn’t stop.

Double speak isn’t just emanating from him being a smooth talking two-faced ass, it’s also coming from you when you don’t know how to insist the behavior isn’t okay because you are tolerating it.

Confident women never dish nor deal in double speak because it’s a one shot deal. Men are either telling the truth with your best interests in mind, or they’re lying with their best interests in mind, at the expense of yours.

Confident women don’t put up with any bullshit from men, period. We don’t have to because we know we can easily get by in the world without lowering our standards to accommodate someone else’s agenda in which we stand to lose. Confident women never lose because they have what it takes to win- the unshakable belief in one’s self, no matter who attempts to come along and dismantle it.

There aren’t enough confident women in the world- that’s where you have to get off your laurels and effectively handle what an insecure woman can’t and won’t. Have you got what it takes?

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